“HannaH” is a psychological thriller, that follows an individual, Hannah, through her daily suffering with obsessive compulsive disorder. It is a claustrophobic insight into how drastic its impact has on her thoughts and feelings, and the captivation it has over her life. We learn how she expresses herself through the world of art, and this is her liberation from her mental confinement. She battles the ideas of perfection, captivity and compulsion. Hannah sees a therapist to advance her pursuit of happiness, through this communication we see a glimpse of a hopeful future for her.
This was my first time using the Rode Video Mic Go for stationary shots, and the Rode Wireless Go System for wide shots where we may not get a clear audio from the actor. In addition we used the Newer RGB660 LED Lighting Panels, as they have both Bi/Tri-colour settings, which enabled us to light with natural tungsten and daylight tones, and get more expressive with RGB lighting. The film was edited in Adobe Premiere Pro, with Adobe Audition, After Effects and Photoshop to be brought in once complete.