“The Defenders of Destiny” a short parody comedy that follows a group of like minded people, around during what they have predicted to be our last days. It is comprised with mockumentary styled filming in order to pick up the pace of the film and focus on comedic timing, and includes neutral, meaningful shots to capture the interviewers’ raw reactions away from the ‘documentary’. This gives moments of realism and emotion/reflection towards the group.

I took on a completely different role to what I have done so far on my filmmaking course. I was the producer, so has to take care of all important forms and documents, whilst liaising with my team and the actors to create a production schedule. I learnt skills of time management and communication that ensured me to be on top of all work. I also tapped into my creative side creating props for the production. My favourite role was as the Actor Liaison, as I focused on the wellbeing of the cast and crew, and created a well being pack outlining our values.