“Ink” is a Drama piece about a couple disagreeing on a divorce. The wife deeply wants the rid herself of this marriage, whilst the husband is holding onto it by any possible means.

My main aim for this film was to focus on composition and framing, each shot held intention. Throughout the film we aimed to convey the emotional distance between the two, frequently placing them one behind the other. This revealed the intricacies and depth of their personal journeys within their relationship. In addition, we used the visual motif of time to express how their relationship was running out.

I gained much knowledge on the Sony A7S II camera. It has high ISO performance which allows for minimising camera shaking and clearer picture, which will be beneficial for our handheld shots. In addition, it has very good auto focus that helped with tracking shots. Lastly it allows you to shoot at lower shutter speeds, meaning we can film in darker/lower light, this was particularly useful as we didn’t have any lighting equipment.This was accompanied with the E-Image GH06/GA752 Tripod.